AP Automation and Invoice Processing FAQ
What is required to automate my AP processing?
Every company is different, with broadly varying needs, and inFORM has a variety of solutions for every organization type and budget. Our EasyAP solution allows you to start simple and progress with scanning your invoices. iWorkflow will give you the ability to route documents and data through your organization with ease. So, to answer the question, just a commitment from your AP management and a quick call is all it takes.
What type of scanner can I use for scanning invoices?
iCapture can work with just about any desktop scanner, with support for ISIS and TWAIN drivers. For copiers and network scanners, folder processing allows any scanner or device that can create an image file to leverage the power of advanced capture.
Can iCapture send extracted invoice data to my accounting system?
iCapture can send extracted information to a SQL, Oracle or IBM database, and can also output data to a CSV or XML file for import. It also allows customization of the output file to meet your AP System needs for import.
Can I send my invoices to my document management system when I am done processing?
Yes. With iCapture, there is support for over 60 Enterprise Content Management (ECM) and Document Management Systems (DMS), including: Microsoft SharePoint, Alfresco, FileBound and many others.
Aren’t invoice processing systems expensive?
No. Many organizations are surprised at the investment required to start scanning their invoices. With iCapture, many of our customers can grow their business without the need to add additional staff to accounting to shuffle paper. When you add the ability to take advantage of early pay discounts, the gain of file cabinet space, and the savings on any off site storage, it becomes a simple decision.
What about the business process beyond document capture?
Document Capture Software is only one piece of the pie when it comes to invoice scanning and accounts payable processing. The question usually is: How do I automate approvals and notifications, or process exceptions? Inform Decisions also carries several workflow and business process management platforms that can automate invoice approvals , add notifications for staff and help process exceptions within your invoice process workflow.