Legacy forms software
Are you at the end of the line with your Jetform, Optio, Createform / Createprint or other legacy forms software?

Are you currently using an antiquated or obsolete laser forms package on the IBM i / iSeries?? Many users of solutions like Jetform, Optio, Createform or Createprint, ACOM, and others, are finding they are being forced OFF the powerful IBM iSeries platform onto a PC or Cloud based solution with higher costs, higher maintenance and totally new learning curves.
inFORM Decisions offers a seamless, painless, and no-cost migration. Migrate to a continually developed and enhanced Document Automation solution running natively on the IBM i. Our modules include laser forms printing, laser check printing, email with PDF and Excel formats for spool and database files, document scanning and archival and document workflow.
Since 1994, inFORM Decisions has been a Document Automation provider specializing in state of the art Document Automation solutions for the IBM i – iSeries – AS/400 arena. We are committed to the IBM i iSeries AS/400 platform forever! We understand the end-of-life issues faced by the users of Jetform, Optio, Createform / Createprint, ACOM, Quadrant, RJS and other legacy solutions.
inFORM Decisions products address the growing needs of organizations to reduce costs and manage not only reports, but form and check generation environments as well. Our solutions offer a broad range of options for you. From simple laser form and check printing to web based archive-retrieval to document delivery with email and/or FAX to secure and automated electronic payment and banking solutions – we have the products to help you. inFORM’s acclaimed and award winning iDocs Product Suite will give you the ability to design and print laser forms and laser checks as well as electronically burst, format, and distribute reports all the while helping save thousands of dollars in the cost of obsolete document management, usage, inventory, postage and mailing. inFORM Decisions is among the first application providers to be certified on IBM’s new family of expert integrated systems.
Call (800) 858-5544 / (949) 709-5838 or visit us at www.informdecisions.com for more information about our acclaimed iDocs suite of products. Lay down new track to swiftly get your train moving again with better speed and effici ency.