iCheck ™ – Secure Laser Check Printing
inFORM Decisions has been recognized worldwide for their developments and implementations of secure, reliable and seamless MICR laser check printing systems which allow users to bring, in-house, laser check printing operations.
MICR laser check printing increases laser check printing security, as well as reduces costs associated with pre-printed check processing environments.
Additional savings and ROI occur through reductions in costs associated with, labor, storage, obsolescence, waste, and mailing/shipping.
Seamless High Speed Operation
iChecks runs completely in the background processing check runs – with no needed changes to your existing AS/400, iSeries, System i applications or check printing operations. Through user-friendly menus, authorized IT administrators can define the check application business rules, OutQ destinations, routing and archiving instructions. See Bank FIle Maintenance Screen below.
Bank File Maintenance Menu