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iSign IBM i native Mobile Signature Capture

Go Paperless using Electronic Signature Capture

Save time and money by removing the paper from your processes! E-signatures give you the ability to streamline intensive document and approval workflows requiring signatures by providing the convenient option of signing documents from any device with an Internet connection. Use iSign signature capture to keep your documents digital throughout your business processes. With iSign, IBM i users can use any tablet or mobile device that is web or java capable to digitally capture signatures. Industries ranging from healthcare, manufacturing, distribution and transportation, and document applications including health admission forms, dock and receiving forms, shipping, transportation bills of lading, proofs of deliver, invoices… or even your daughters report card can be digitally signed, merged and secured on your IBM i. Once the signature is captured from the mobile device it uploads to the IBM i into inFORM’s iView Document repository or most document management systems (DMS). User friendly menus are provided to design the form, locate the signature on the form, define the spool or database file to merge with, email, fax or other routing instructions, and even conditional instructions to merge signature with multiple documents. IFD-isign-formWith iSign,  documents are now efficiently captured, stored, secured and backed up with peace of mind that they can’t be damaged or accessed by flood, fire or bad guys with bad intentions.  Documents can now be easily retrieved or routed through a web browser, from any location at any time.

Some may wonder as to how secure the e-signature really is. After all, previous generations grew up signing everything with a pen, so this change may make them feel a bit uneasy. However, despite that belief, e-signatures are in fact even more secure than the traditional pen signature.
Highlights of iSign:

  • Signatures are 100% legal, per June 27, 2001 FTC/Commerce Department Report, ” ensures that contracts entered into electronically will be legally effective and valid…”
  • Speeds up document workflow, by eliminating the log jam of documents waiting for signatures
  • Eliminates decision-making by automating your approval processes.
  • Receive payments quicker by capturing signatures and storing digital documents on the spot
  • Works with any ERP or third party Document Management System – including iView
  • Works with any Browser java enabled mobile device
  • Eliminate the costs and hassles of paper
  • Speeds up service to your vendors and customers
  • Use electronic signature capture software to keep your documents digital throughout your business processes

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