Workflow FAQ
Just what is workflow software?
Think of workflow software as a tool kit that allows you to digitize any physical work or process within your organization. Commonly identified as a digital in/out box, it provides a means for work to flow from person to person, taking advantage of digital management to provide greater efficiency and improve the productivity of your worker engaging in business processes. You can read more here: What is workflow software?
What are the most common uses for workflow software?
The great thing about workflow software is that it can be used for just about anything. Basic approvals, forms with notifications, document review processes, etc. Below are some of the most common use cases for digital business process:
These are just a few examples of processes that can be automated through workflow software.
What is the difference between workflow software and BPM Software?
BPM, or Business Process Management, is a field in business operations that focuses on improving business process through process optimization. BPM software aids in that effort, and most often includes many different components to facilitate efficiency, and provide insight into process. Typically, Business Process Management software includes a workflow component. You can read more on BPM here: Business Process Management
There are so many choices, how do I know what workflow system will work for my organization?
There are a wide variety of options when you look at the workflow software landscape. Systems vary in depth of feature set, and every more so when looking at cost. Here at Inform Decisions, we focus on two offerings: iWorkflow and K2 Workflow. iWorkflow is an entry level system, that provides great integration with the iSeries/AS400 for workflow functionality. K2 is a full-blown Intelligent Business Process Management Suite, and provides extensive functionality to meet any workflow need.
What are the 4 components of typical workflow software?
Workflow software is typical built with 4 separate pillars: workflow, forms, reports and data. Each of these pillars contributes to the overall functionality of the product. For example, the form gathers data that is passed to the business process. This information is housed in the data layer during the workflow process, and the process engine may access other data sources during the overall flow. Finally, reports can be viewed on the process data, as well as the data that is entered as part of the overall business process.
What is the ROI on workflow software?
Workflow software can provide a powerful return on investment, or ROI, depending on the specific process that is being automated. More can be seen on workflow ROI here:
Calculating ROI on BPM and Workflow
What is BPMN?
Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) is a standard for mapping business process and workflow. It provides a standardized method of modeling. Typically, workflow software designers support the use of this notation to provide a standard method of understanding business process. You can read more here: