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(949) 709-5838 / (800) 858-5544

  • We're a Document Management Company.....

    We're a Document Management Company.....

    Capture and Scanning Options
    empowering customers with the ability to automate document creation and distribution natively
    from a single platform, and to capture documents from outside sources.

  • Workflow and BPM

    Workflow and BPM

    Wokflow and BPM

    Automate any business process

  • IBM iSeries Document & Payment Solutions

    IBM iSeries Document & Payment Solutions

    iSeries Solutions

    Document automation solutions for the iSeries:
    Form & Laser Checks, Email PDF & Excel, Spool file conversions

  • Too Much Paper?

    Too Much Paper?

    Capture and Scanning Options

    Document scanning and capture for any office

Stop the Paper Flood Today

Many offices today are drowning in paper, and the flow just doesn’t stop. Invoices, purchase orders, contracts and receipts are produced on a daily basis, and the file cabinets keep growing. inForm Decisions provides one of the industry’s most powerful scanning and capture solutions, iCapture, to automate your scanning process from both desktop scanners and copiers.  Some of the key features include:

  • Integration with Fujitsu, TWAIN and ISIS scanning hardware.
  • Powerful OCR capabilities for creating searchable documents.
  • Data extraction through OCR for invoice processing.
  • Integration with 60+ document management systems.

Want to learn more?

Contact Us Today

Have more specific scanning and capture requirements?  See our solutions below:

  • AP Invoice Scanning

    AP Invoice Scanning

    With our AP Invoice Processing solution you can scan and extract all your invoice data, and save time and money.

  • SharePoint Scanning

    SharePoint Scanning

    Need to scan to Microsoft SharePoint on premise or online? Use our SharePoint scanning tool to archive to document libraries.

  • Sage Scannning

    Sage Scannning

    Looking to scan and route documents to Sage? See how we can help automate the Sage scanning process.

  • Document Capture

    Document Capture

    With our document capture solution you can scan and extract all your document data, and save time and money.