Posts Tagged ‘Seamlessly Convert Spool Files to PDF’
Spool Files to PDF
Seamlessly Convert Spool Files to PDF

iPDF is a IBM i native spool file to PDF Conversion tool which provides many benefits to businesses running on the IBM i, iSeries or AS400. More than just converting basic spool file text to PDF, iPDF will convert color, logos, images, graphics, bar codes etc, and generate PDF files that are text searchable for ease of use.
A time-saving and more secure PDF document transformation application:
iPDF allows you to easily convert your iSeries spool file reports, forms, checks, invoices, purchase orders and other business documents to the universal Portable Document Format without any programming or manual tasks. It transforms documents to PDF without using IBM’s Navigator on a PC, or System Utilities with a workstation customizing object. This not only saves time, but also eliminates the security issues created with converted documents on external PCs.
With iPDF, converted documents can be emailed or sent directly to the IFS, mapped network drives or servers. It can be integrated with other companion modules to create the ultimate distribution tool directing output to an external repository for private and secure user retrieval.
Spool file management and report distribution can be controlled by the users generating the reports. iPDF can be setup to automatically convert your spool files reports to PDF without any programming. It is menu driven and very easy to use. There are included API’s that programmers can utilize. These APIs can be integrated with all iSeries, System i and Power Server accounting applications like JD Edwards, Mapics, Lawson, Optimum, etc.
Using companion products from inFORM Decisions, users can create, customize, sort, burst and distribute reports. Click our iSeries Forms Software for information about our full product suite.
inFORM Decisions has been serving the IBM i family of computers since 1994. iPDF and our products can provide you with the versatility that never existed with computer generated paper forms. Our products provide the perfect solution to accomplish your paperless office imitative.