SharePoint OCR
SharePoint OCR Solution for Searching PDFs
Your traditional scanner creates an image-based file, either PDF or TIFF, and provides minimal searchability. With Optical Character Recognition (OCR), you can now make everything searchable that you scan, adding OCR PDF full text to your SharePoint library index. Here are some benefits of SharePoint + OCR:
- Everything is Searchable – with OCR and advanced capture, you can now create full text PDF files. When they are added to a SharePoint library, the content is now crawled, and available to your users. Optical Recognition is a powerful tool.
- Copy Content – with an OCR PDF text layer, users can now copy text from documents for use during daily operations. Need a paragraph from a scanned contract? Just copy and paste.
- Extract Data – with OCR, you can target key data on your documents for automated extraction. Extract, and tie the data to a SharePoint column. With advanced capture intelligence, you can perform automated routing of documents and content based on key information.
- Integrated OCR – with iCapture, you have the ultimate in integration when it comes to SharePoint and Scanning. Tie information to site, library, content types, folders, document sets, the term store and much, much more.
- SharePoint Workflow – OCR text can provide powerful information to any document workflow or business process.
Here is a video overview of our deep integration with Microsoft SharePoint:
Want to see our SharePoint OCR solution in action? Want to see what advanced document capture + optical character recognition (OCR) can accomplish? Contact us today for a demo.