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About inFORM Decisions

inFORM Decisions was founded in 1994 to provide document management solutions to address the costs and inefficiencies of paper based business workflow.  IFD solutions have been implemented worldwide in a multitude of open platform environments from small to Enterprise Fortune 100 sized organizations.  Along with IBM iSeries AS/400 native document management and automation solutions,  inFORM can provide solutions for Cloud, Unix and Windows based server environments.

inFORM’s paperless solutions include, forms scanning (capture), storage and workflow;  variable data laser form merging and printing; laser MICR check printing and electronic payment solutions; and IBM i spool file report bursting, sorting distribution and management in various formats including Excel, PDF, Word, Text, XML, CSV and Zip formats.

inFORM offers demonstrations, discovery calls, consultations and training videos to interested prospects.   if you’d like a representative to contact you.


inFORM Decisions has always been committed to play a major role in delivering the promise of a paperless office by offering solutions that reign in runaway forms and documents and get document workflow streamlined and cost effective. The company initially developed software to manage heavy workloads of output jobs like laser formslaser checks and formatted reports on a daily basis. The focus was on providing significant savings to enterprises in the cost and management of pre-printed business forms, laser checks, documents and reports.

In the late nineties and early 2000’s, the explosion of the internet and interconnected, globalized businesses and economies,  spurned the growth of more technologies at inFORM Decisions that addressed more complex storage, retrieval and delivery options for edocuments. Web store fronts, document workflow technologies, information portals, intelligent email and fax document delivery…    and other new modes of information delivery were demanded and are now part of inFORM’s product line. Along with IBM iSeries AS/400 native document management solutions, inFORM can provide solutions for Cloud, Unix and Windows based server environments.

inFORM is additionally committed to making its contribution to reduce the impact on our fragile ecosystem. Offering paperless solutions obviously saves trees, but in addition, through its alliance with The Arbour Day Society,  inFORM plants 10 trees in each of its new customer’s names, and has planted so far thousands of trees around the world.
