Written by Ken Kramer. Posted in Blog
Definitions for BPMP, BPMS and iBPMS
There is quite a bit of confusion within the Business Process Management (BPM) world, and much of it revolves around acronyms, and actually what defines a platform, a suite and intelligence. As companies look to bring workflow and process technology into their business operations, it can help to actually understand how the market is defined, and where to look for the right set of features and functions that will provide the required outcomes.

Increasing Capabilities of the BPM Stack
So, to start off in simple terms, there is a hierarchy of capabilities and features, that goes from basic to advanced. It starts at the ground level with the basic Business Process Management Platform, and climbs to the Suite, and then the Intelligent Suite. Below are some basic definitions and attributes:
What is a Business Process Management Platform?
The basic BPM platform is a set of tools (workflow, forms, data, reporting) that allows an organization to create digital process, and transform their businesses and compose process-centric applications. It provides a graphical design environment, and allows you to build out your processes. It includes storage for process metadata, and also an engine for executing process and managing business rules. An example of this type of application would be iWorkflow.
What is a Business Process Management Suite (BPMS)?
The BPMS lays a foundation for business and IT to collaborate throughout the design and execution of process. It houses all the features and benefits of the Platform, but the Suite adds a full compliment of tools and features to improve process and increase business agility. The Suite focuses on transformation and innovation, and typically adds no/low code application composition, as well as the ability to handle routine and non-routine work (case management). It provides robust reporting on process to create a feedback loop for continuous improvement. K2 fulfills this niche, as well as the next level. See K2 Workflow and BPM.
What is an Intelligent Business Process Management Suite (iBPMS)?
The iBPMS is at the apex application of the process world. Take all the benefits of the previously mentioned categories, and add enhanced and predictive analytics, process intelligence and enhanced process insight. The main purpose of the Intelligent Suite is to drive rapid improvement and process enhancement to achieve top levels of efficiency and productivity. The iBPMS also provides dynamic functionality to change process “on the fly”, for non-routine work. K2 meets all these needs: See K2 Workflow and BPM.
Inform Decisions carries both products, and can help any type of organization carve out their process needs. See our software here: Workflow Software.
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