COMMON – Annual Meeting & Exposition, Anaheim, CA. – Booth 114
Sunday, April 26 – Wednesday, April 29, 2015 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM MST COMMON – Annual Meeting & Exposition, Anaheim, CA. – Booth 114 Register here.
Register Now for the 2015 Annual Meeting and Exposition:
April 26 – 29, 2015 – Disneyland® Resort in Anaheim, California.
The Annual Meeting is COMMON’s largest educational event of the year, with four full days of in-depth IBM i, AIX, and Linux-related education that includes all-day pre-conference workshops, open labs and a wide variety of regular-length sessions. It is the annual meeting of the COMMON membership and the largest gathering of the Power Systems user community.
It will kick-off with the Opening Session on Sunday, April 26, 2015, followed by four days of leading-edge IBM i, AIX, and Linux-related education, closing with the fun and exciting Closing Reception on Wednesday, April 29, 2015. Of course, as is expected from all COMMON conferences, there will be plenty of social and networking events taking place throughout the week.
The Annual Meeting and Exposition is the premier educational and networking event that you and your team will not want to miss. Be sure to schedule time to browse the world’s largest Power Systems Exposition, encompassing over 80 exhibitors, including IBM. The COMMON Exposition provides a one-stop source of up-to-the minute information and ideas for the IT industry. Discover what’s new in the IBM i and AIX world and give your company ways to reduce costs and improve productivity. Also, since many different technologies are on display, you can compare alternatives and determine what’s right for you.