IBM i verses AS400
What is the difference between IBM i and AS400?

IBM i verses AS/400: Why Can’t They Be Compared?
It is hard to compare IBM i verses AS400 clearly in words. There is still a misunderstanding over whether AS400 and IBM i are the same because of multiple name changes. Additionally, this confusion between AS400 software and IBM i has created a big growth barrier to digital transformation for businesses in the market that are adopting IBM technology.
Comparing IBM i with AS/400 is similar to comparing two different flavors. If we compare both of them technically, they would be compared between hardware and software. AS400 OS was run on a physical server created by IBM in the 1980s. Whereas IBM i is the Operating System for AS400 or IBM Power systems produced today.
Since the IBM Power Series, which runs the IBM i operating system, has a very long history, certain phrases and jargon tend to be “sticky” due to their widespread popularity and longevity. The name AS/400 was given to the system when it debuted in 1988 and is the ancestor of the IBM i platform. However, this wonderful technology is still referred to by its users as “AS400” or “iSeries” in an innocent manner.
What is IBM i?
IBM i is the operating system for the IBM i platform of Power servers. It manages hardware and software resources, and provides an interface that you can use to work with the system. At its core, the IBM i platform is designed to adapt to the ever-changing needs of both business and computing. Its defining characteristic, the “integration” represented by the “i” in IBM i, can help you gain more value from advanced technology with fewer resources and higher reliability.
What is As400?
The term AS400 stands for “Application System/400”. It was designed as a business computer platform that integrated Database, applications and operating system. AS400 was created in 1988 by IBM. The first AS/400 model, the Model 200 was announced in June, 1988 and delivered in December, 1988.
AS/400 was a family of mid-range servers. AS400 Software was designed to be integrated servers, meaning they included not only the server hardware and operating system, but also database and application software. This made them ideal for small to medium businesses that want an all-in-one solution for their computing needs.
There were three main types of AS/400 servers:
• Power Systems: These are the most powerful AS/400 servers designed for large businesses that need high performance and scalability.
• Integrated Servers: These are mid-range AS/400 servers that offer a good balance of power and price. They’re ideal for small to medium businesses that need an all-in-one solution.
• Express Servers: These entry-level AS/400 servers are designed for small businesses on a budget. They offer basic functionality and can be expanded as needed.
In 2000, AS400 was rebranded or modified to IBM i Series server. Later in 2006, the iSeries was replaced with the IBM system i. IBM i is the current operating system that supports all IBM Power systems.
Whereas Os400 is a legacy operating system that was used on older versions of the AS400 systems, the AS400 operating system running on the Power platform today is called IBM i.
IBM i verses AS/400: Why Are They Different?
The clear differences: IBM i is an operating system running on the modern IBM Power systems. Whereas AS400 and iSeries are old or legacy hardware servers.
The IBM i systems are constantly improving day by day and provide the functionality for businesses that today’s business requires. Organizations now widely use the IBM i platform, continuously improving their productivity.
Do you recognize this quote from Romeo and Juliet?
“What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.”
Basically, what it means is that what matters is what something is, not what it is called. To the aficionados, there will always be the AS400.
inFORM Decisions has been a Document Automation provider specializing in state of the art Document Automation solutions for the IBM i – AS/400 arena since 1994. We believe that the IBM I / Power Systems will be relevant for a long time offering the stability and security that you’ve come to expect from IBM. inFORM Decisions experts can show you how to unleash your systems power and recoup countless hours of productivity! inFORM Decisions is committed to the IBM i platform forever!
Call (800) 858-5544 / (949) 709-5838 or visit us at for more information about our acclaimed iDocs suite of IBM i products.
Tags: AS 400 iSeries, as/400, as400, AS400 iSeries, AS400 system, AS400/i-Series, IBM AS/400, IBM i, IBM iSeries, iseries, iSeries AS400