Spool Files to EXCEL
Seamlessly Convert Spool Files to EXCEL and other formats

Have you ever seen a generic spool file generated report being distributed to the company’s Board of Directors or being presented on an overhead projector at a sales meeting or trade show?
If you query a group of iSeries/AS400 business users about the kind of reporting being generated from the information stored on their machines, the vast majority of them will say via an Excel spreadsheet. Excel has been the reporting tool of choice since replacing Lotus 1-2-3 as the industry standard in 1993. Excel users know just how powerful a tool it can be to analyze numeric data and to present information in a clear, concise and presentable fashion.
Since the data on an iSeries/AS400 isn’t readily accessible to Excel, financial reporting is normally generated with iSeries/AS400 spool files. Without the proper tools, manually downloading and importing these spool files into Excel spreadsheets can be tedious, time consuming and error prone.
Our iMail product transforms these iSeries/AS400Spool files and converts the data to true Excel (XLS or XLSX) and other formats automatically. iMail can also take the load off of IT by turning the spool file management and report distribution over to the users generating reports, without manually converting or re-entering information. Distribute them by email or post directly on your server for easy access by end users. If the information you need resides on the iSeries/AS400, you can format into Excel seamlessly and in an automated fashion.
Using companion products from inFORM Decisions, users can create, customize, sort, burst and distribute reports. Click our iSeries Forms Software for information about our full product suite.
inFORM Decisions has been serving the IBM i family of computers since 1994. iMail and our other products can provide you with the versatility that never existed with computer generated paper forms. Our products provide the perfect solution to accomplish your paperless office initiative.
Tags: iMail, Spool Files to EXCEL