Document Automation
Document Automation
IBM i Native, Cloud and Open Platform Environments
For 30 years, inFORM Decisions has been providing leading edge document automation, workflow and scanning solutions. With proven tools to create, distribute, store and retrieve critical business documents, inFORM’s end-to-end Document Automation solutions efficiently address the growing needs of organizations to reduce costs and improve efficiency while moving toward a more eco-friendly, paperless, cost saving environment.
iSeries Native Document Management
iDocs – IBM i native document automation central processing engine
iDocs Designer – user friendly form and document design tool
iForms – Snap on laser forms printing module
SmartRouter – Intelligently burst, sort, bundle & distribute reports & forms
iMail – Automated distribution of reports, forms and checks in popular formats
iFax – Seamless facsimile capability
iPDF – IBM i (iSeries) Native PDF Conversion
iCapture – Innovative document capture (scanning) and OCR with powerful automation
iView – Store and retrieve eDocuments anytime, anywhere
iSign – IBM iSeries native Mobile Signature Capture
Open Platform Document Management – Windows, Unix, Linux, Cloud
iDocs Designer – user friendly form and document design tool
iCapture – Innovative document capture, scanning software, and OCR engine with powerful automation
Sharepoint and DMS Integration -Sharepoint, Ademero, FileBound and other DMS solutions
K2 Workflow – K2 is an enterprise Business Process Management suite that provides a no-code business application development platform.