Combine document management and workflow to digitize and automate your business processes
Combine document management and workflow to digitize and automate your business processes.
Web-based Content Management Solutions from inFORM Decisions can eliminate the time and cost of storing, retrieving and sharing documents generated in an iSeries, System i and Power Systems environment.
Since 1994, inFORM Decisions has been a Document Automation provider specializing in state of the art Document Automation solutions for the IBM i – iSeries – AS/400 arena. We are committed to the IBM i iSeries AS/400 platform forever!
Want to fully understand the AP automation and discuss your needs? Contact inFORM Decisions today at (800) 858-5544 / (949) 709-5838 or visit us at for more information about our acclaimed suite of products and see how we can help you reduce paper, increase productivity and lower your costs.